I have tried various systems over the years including:
- regular weeding, i.e. unsubscribing, of newsletters that I don't read (I still do this)
- tagging emails
- filtering emails (both of these are part of the new system)
- only answering emails certain times of the day (this really does work but my business being a techy one so much of the correspondence is email and I didn't want to export all of my emails to my project planner and clutter it up)
The new system
- ensure that you have different emails for work and personal stuff. In fact I have two main jobs so I have three email addresses that I use regularly - two work and one personal
- set up rules within your email program. All email programs will do this but sometimes they are called filters. I use Gmail so I set up filters.
- filter your emails to go into their respective folders. So I leave all personal mail in the inbox and work mail is filtered out into named folders. Then when I am working on a specific job, I can just work from that email box and see emails relating only to that work.
Simple isn't it? But I am so impressed by how effective it is. Although I do flip out to look at other emails in other folders, it is much easier to be more disciplined if you can only see emails relating to your current work. And I have definitely become more focussed by organising my emails this way. And it means I can stay working from my email box without feeling overwhelmed.